They are called THE BLIND DEAD, heretic horsemen whose eyes were burned out to prevent them from finding their way back from Hell. Over the course of 4 unforgettable films, writer/director Amando de Ossorio created what fright fans worldwide consider to be one of the most startling series in horror history.
This unique quartet of shockers delivers a relentless onslaught of creepy atmosphere, shocking violence, forbidden sexuality, and the still-chilling icons of EuroHorror: The eyeless undead who hunt by sound in their quest for human flesh. Don’t move… don’t breathe... don’t let them hear your heart beating: THE BLIND DEAD are back!
now fully restored from original vault materials and remastered in heart-stopping High Definition
TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD - don't move, don't breathe... RETURN OF THE EVIL DEAD - have they heard you breathing? GHOSTSHIP OF THE BLIND DEAD - pray they don't find you! NIGHT OF THE SEAGULLS - the final chapter of the series