Trailer · Background Material · Pictures · Official Site directed by: Václav Vorlicek produced by: Karel Dirka starring: Max Urlacher, Jitka Schneiderová, Ivana Chýlková, Jan Niklas, Sunnyi Melles running time: 89 mins.
Synopsis: When hunting white swans in the lakes and wooden areas of his father’s kingdom, prince Victor discovers a wounded young woman with golden hair – the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. But the girl is a mute and therefore unable to tell him what happened to her and where she comes from. As soon as she has recovered, she vanishes in the woods. Prince Victor’s father, the king, forbids his son to go search for her, the more as the prince shall soon marry the powerful Queen of the Lake, who owns a precious treasure of pearls.
In his dreams, Victor finally meets the beautiful girl again: Her name is princess Odette, and the Queen of the Lake turned her into a swan, just as she did with all other maidens who could have been considered as brides for prince Victor.
Victor decides to rescue Odette and the other swan maidens at all costs. He doesn't know that he’ll risk his own life…