Trailer · Background Material · Pictures· Official Site · Flyer directed by: Leif Bristow starring: John-Rhys Davies, Augustus Prew, Thure Riefenstein, Brittany Bristow, Erica Durance, Deborah Unger genre: Family
Synopsis short:
Growing up on the grounds of her parents’ family-operated zoo, 17-year-old Sophie’s life is focused on two great loves: ballet and animals. To afford the high tuition fee of a ballet school, Sophie’s parents sell Sheba, a 5-ton elephant and Sophie’s life long friend, to a travelling circus without discussing this issue with their daughter. Abandoning her previous dance dreams, Sophie sets off to reclaim Sheba, charming her way into a summer job with the circus so she can keep an eye on the despiteful animal trainer. When Sophie falls in love with circus artist Blake, they both struggle to rescue Sheba from the cruel circus environment and repatriate the Elephant...
Synopsis long:
Growing up on the grounds of her parents’ family-operated zoo, 17-year-old Sophie’s life was focused on two great loves; ballet and animals. A natural performer, Sophie dreamed of studying at the American Ballet. But high tuition fees and mounting costs at home force Sophie’s parents to make a sacrifice. Unfortunately, without first discussing this issue with Sophie, they sell her beloved Sheba, a 5-ton elephant and life long friend, to a traveling circus. Abandoning her previous dance dreams, Sophie sets off to reclaim Sheba, charming her way into a summer job with the circus so she can keep an eye on Sheba’s hot-tempered brute of a trainer, Magnus. Determined to bring Sheba home, Sophie tries to convince the circus owner, Alistair Winston, to sell Sheba back to her.
An eccentric, comical and manipulative man, Alistair takes a shine to Sophie, recognizing the potential to make a fortune off her innate performing ability and special bond with Sheba. By threatening to sell Sheba to another circus, Alistair coerces Sophie to be part of an act with Sheba, hoping the allure of dancing in front of a huge audience will persuade her to join the show permanently. At the circus Sophie is surrounded by “Oz”, with its magnificent colours, amazing performances and a most unique group of characters, including Natalia, the beautiful silks performer whom Sophie quickly befriends. However, there is one person in particular, the handsome and brooding Blake, who catches Sophie’s eye. Blake, an ex-flyer with the circus who abandoned his art after a tragic accident, has become reclusive and moody which leads him to inadvertently clash with Sophie (who has the tendency to put her foot in her mouth on occasion).
But the attraction between the two is undeniable and it isn’t long before Sophie starts to break down Blake’s protective barrier, encouraging him to re-visit his dreams. The romance between Sophie and Blake intensifies and love blooms as Blake comes out of his shell and the two share their love of performing. Through these sequences we witness the true beauty of Sophie’s dancing and the elegance of flying through the air on the trapeze as the two fly together. Although she can’t help being thrilled with the idea of performing under the Big Top, Sophie knows Sheba doesn’t belong at the circus. She comes to realize that Sheba’s life with her at the zoo, where she is loved and cared for, is also just…..not right. Being with Blake has helped Sophie to appreciate Sheba’s situation and she recognizes her own selfishness in trying to keep her with her.
When a local news reporter tells Sophie that an organization is interested in helping repatriate Sheba, Sophie comes to understand that Sheba deserves to go back to her homeland where she can be free to live out the rest of her days as nature intended. Sophie is resolved to send Sheba home to Africa.