Trailer · Background Material · Pictures · Official Site · Flyer directed by: Ute Wieland produced by: Ulrich Limmer starring: Emilia Schüle, Selina Shirin Müller, Henriette Nagel, Anke Engelke, Armin Rohde, Wilson Gonzales Ochsenknecht, based on the bestsellers: Freche Mädchen-freche Bücher (Cheeky Girls - Cheeky Books) published by Thienemann Verlag genre: Comedy
Cheeky Girls has already sold over 1 Million tickets at the German boxoffice!
Synopsis: Mila (EMILIA SCHUELE), Hanna (SELINA SHIRIN MUELLER), and Kati (HENRIETTE NAGEL) are best friends – always there for each other, be it stress at school or boy trouble. And they have plenty of that: A gifted singer, Hanna wants to participate in a casting show, which leads to an argument with her boyfriend Branko (BEN UNTERKOFLER); Kati develops a huge crush on Brian (WILSON GONZALEZ OCHSENKNECHT), the coolest boy at school. When he turns a poem written by Mila into his band’s new song, Kati becomes jealous. Mila though thinks Markus (JONATHAN BECK) is kind of cute, but nothing else. She is actually relieved that her first relationship is taking its sweet time because as she puts it, she has no time for boys right now. But then she falls head over heels for Pit Winter (DAVID ROTT), a young trainee teacher, who of all people happens to be the new boyfriend of her mom, a charming, but chaotic hairdresser…Talk about stress!
CHEEKY GIRLS is based on Germany’s most popular book series for girls, Cheeky Girls – Cheeky Books, which has been published in 22 languages and sold over 7 million copies total.